Enjoying a Thai food lunch at Ocha ~ hubby Neil, niece Sarah, daughter Holly, grandson Knox, and daughter Kelly
Knox hijacked Granny’s strawberries and cream drink at Starbucks. He likes the whipped cream.
We had fun hanging out with Sarah at Starbucks this afternoon. She’s loving some freedom after high school and before her college classes begin next week.
The kids love playing on the trampoline ~ even daughter Holly, who might be the biggest kid of all.
Knox thought this was the best fun ever.
Beautiful afternoon
Happy face
Monkeys on a trampoline, having fun and being eaten alive by skeeters
Granddaughter Shelby making bubbles which makes a Monday even more fun ~ hope yours was, too.
Looks like more fun than a human being should be allowed to have on a Monday! :) Certainly more fun than being in school... :(
Beef-O-Saurus ;)
I heard about Beef-O-Saurus! Funny! That will go down In history like "Cleobrate". (Ask Kay about that one). ;)
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