Friday, October 11, 2013

Day Two Hundred Eighty Four 2013

Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car.  ~E.B. White
Congratulations to my sweet sixteen year old niece, Julia, who got her driver’s license today. She stopped by my house this morning [driving solo] on her way to a youth group function, and shared her good news with me and of course I had to see her new license and take her picture. There’s nothing else quite like the thrill of getting your driver’s license. I’m happy for you, Julia!


Jane said...

Her original appointment was for November 1st. We got a call from the Driver's Testing Station saying they had some opening for today. She pulled a good one on Sarah! We didn't tell Sarah that Julia was getting her license today. :)

Kelly said...

Woohoo!!! Congrats!!!

Ann S. said...

Congrats Jules!!