Today was granddaughter Shelby's first day of 4th Grade. She had an easy fun day, likes her teacher, and already knows a bunch of the kids in her class. And best of all: No Homework! She's off to a great start.

While I was waiting for Shelby, I saw this bizarre insect racing around the steps. It looks like a gigantic red ant/wasp thing, although it doesn't have wings. I've never seen anything like it. I'm hoping there's not a colony of them lurking underneath these steps where I sit each day at three o'clock! Does anyone know what this thing is?!?
p.s. My sister Ann looked up info on this insect and found this link: http://www.asktheexterminator.com/Wasps/Velvet_Ant.shtml
Thanks, Ann! I'm going to be careful where I sit down out on those steps from now on.