Today was granddaughter Shelby's first day of 4th Grade. She had an easy fun day, likes her teacher, and already knows a bunch of the kids in her class. And best of all: No Homework! She's off to a great start.

While I was waiting for Shelby, I saw this bizarre insect racing around the steps. It looks like a gigantic red ant/wasp thing, although it doesn't have wings. I've never seen anything like it. I'm hoping there's not a colony of them lurking underneath these steps where I sit each day at three o'clock! Does anyone know what this thing is?!?
p.s. My sister Ann looked up info on this insect and found this link: http://www.asktheexterminator.com/Wasps/Velvet_Ant.shtml
Thanks, Ann! I'm going to be careful where I sit down out on those steps from now on.
I did some research on the red ant/wasp thing. It's called a velvet ant, but it's actually a type of wasp. Here's a link if you want to check it out: http://www.asktheexterminator.com/Wasps/Velvet_Ant.shtml
I'm glad Shelby poo likes her teacher :) Love her tee shirt!
I'm glad Shelby had a good 1st day of school! I hope she cherishes this time, because this might be the last year she has a happy face on when she comes home from school!
Hey, Ann, thanks for looking up the info on the insect. Weird wild stuff! Freaked me out when I first saw it :)
Julia, did you not have a happy face when you came home from school today? It is only the first day. When all that work kicks in, Shelby might not have so much to smile about. Hope you have a great school year, Julia!
Boy, Julia knows how to cheer the crowd!! :-) 4th grade was her favorite year at school - she was the big fish in the little pond and Mom was there! :-) Oh, well! I am very glad Shelby had a good 1st day. Hope it stays that way. I'll have to check out the info on that creepy red & black thing!
Thanks, Kay! :)
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