Peeps! My grand peeps Shelby and Elijah got a half dozen chicks in time for Easter. Daughter Holly brought them to my house today so Elijah’s first grade class could enjoy them during their Easter egg hunt.
Holly and one of the other first grade moms came to the house this morning to set up for the egg hunt and lunch. I love those Easter egg plates and checked napkins.
Elijah has been looking forward to his class egg hunt all month long.
Neil and I enjoy hosting the kids’ egg hunts. Our yard is conveniently across the street from their school. I’m so glad they had a beautiful sunny day for the hunt.
Each egg is numbered, and each child looks for the eggs with his or her number on it. Elijah is number 16. Finding your eggs takes time because you have to look at every egg to see if your number is on it. Makes the egg hunt last longer.
Elijah and his classmates gathered for a group shot. Love those smiles.
They were surprised by the chicks and got a kick out of watching them in the cage. One of the chicks escaped a couple of times. We had to keep a close eye on them. Our neighbor kitty Lily was very interested in the peeps.
Who wants pizza? I do! I do! They had pepperoni pizza and cheese pizza. Most of them chose the cheese. I can tell you it was yummy.
After lunch they played games like egg toss and this game where you try to walk while balancing an egg on a spoon without dropping it. Classic. I think all the kids had a great time at their Easter party. I know I had fun just watching them having fun. The Easter egg hunt is such a wonderful tradition. I’m happy to still get to be a part of it with my grand peeps.