It was unbearably hot today but not for this bear. He got to spend his time in air-conditioned comfort~always a plus when you have to wear a fur coat. (He was so cute and soft)
I can’t believe somebody was even charging for this thing. Maybe it’s a collector’s item.
I was curious about this thing. It looked like some kind of torture device or weapon. The tag said it was a wheel. For a plow maybe?
Someone with a sense of humor set out a water dish for these metal piggies. Oink!
The rock people were there today. They sell these stones with names on them. We’ve bought one for each member of our family, and Neil set them in the sandstone pathway around our house a summer or two ago. We were glad to see them there today because we wanted to add grandson Knox to the path. Alas, they did not have one with his name, so we’re going to order one.
This would have tasted really good as we meandered through the market this afternoon.
This guy had some major dragon breath. Who buys this stuff?
March of the lavender bottles. They were really pretty in the sunlight. The picture doesn’t do them justice.
“I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.”~Hannibal Lecter. Of course that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this bottle.
Today was most certainly creepy doll day at the flea market.
There’s no escaping the fact that it’s an election year. This can looked more like something in which you’d carry fish bait. Either way, it all stinks.
This vendor had some of the coolest jewelry for sale. She’d made necklaces and bracelets and rings out of old watches. It was unique and kind of classy.
I mentioned that it was creepy doll day.
I wasn’t kidding.
They were everywhere. This one might give you nightmares.
I always covet these vintage boots. (They were everywhere today, too.) I guess women were much smaller back in the day. My big toe would not fit inside one of these.
One vendor had a shelf full of these little nightmares….I mean, dolls.
Neil said this was a statue of Napoleon. Whatever.
Jurassic Flea Market
Cute little garden cherub looked like she was about to fly away, so she had to be restrained.
Some folks believe this is what it’s all about.
Escapees from the zoo—or stars of Madagascar.
Apparently, “Miss Harlem” approves of this brand of ciggies. Wonder where she is these days?
This always breaks my heart—family photos that have ended up at the flea market. Label your pictures! It’s hard to hang on to a photograph of someone when you have no idea who that someone is (or was).
A colorful display. The flea market was packed with stuff this month.
She’s thinking, I know I left my body around here somewhere….
Greetings from the flea market! Gratuitous self-portrait.
This vendor had the whole alphabet for sale.
I guess the helmet didn’t make much difference in his case.
No wonder Ken has that big smile on his lecherous face.
Does anyone know what these things are? Anyone? (Just kidding. I used to have a clothesline in my backyard. Neil took it down. He said it was ugly, so there you go.)
Apparently, some artist figured Lennon would look better if he was yellow.
Yeah baby! Fried pies. I like the chocolate chess. Neil likes the raisin.
We were really thirsty. I wanted a bottle of water. Neil wanted a Pepsi. He put two dollars (yes, two dollars!) into the machine, pressed the bottled water button and out popped this diet Mountain Dew. We decided to just go with it and share it. Not too great with fried pies, however.
We headed to daughter Kelly’s after our trek through the flea market. Grandson Knox likes to stick his tongue out. Kelly says he’s going to have chapped lips. They travelled home with us for the weekend.
Happy TGIF, everyone!