I told my Grandpeeps, Shelby and Elijah, this afternoon that there is an old saying that goes, "It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk." Since it was a blistering 98 degrees outside today, I thought we'd put that saying to the test. The Grandpeeps thought I was nuts when I told them what I wanted to do. But they happily went along with it. So we gathered the tools for our little experiment--a paper plate (to put the fried egg on in case it indeed did fry), a spatula to flip the egg on the hot sidewalk, the egg, of course, and a little bit of some non-stick spray to keep the egg from sticking to the concrete.
I cracked the egg on the hot sidewalk and you can imagine our disappointment when it didn't start to cook. It sort of slid around like a jellyfish on oil. Elijah wanted to try to flip it, so he scooped it onto the spatula and it immediately oozed through the spatula slots.