I told my Grandpeeps, Shelby and Elijah, this afternoon that there is an old saying that goes, "It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk." Since it was a blistering 98 degrees outside today, I thought we'd put that saying to the test. The Grandpeeps thought I was nuts when I told them what I wanted to do. But they happily went along with it. So we gathered the tools for our little experiment--a paper plate (to put the fried egg on in case it indeed did fry), a spatula to flip the egg on the hot sidewalk, the egg, of course, and a little bit of some non-stick spray to keep the egg from sticking to the concrete.
I cracked the egg on the hot sidewalk and you can imagine our disappointment when it didn't start to cook. It sort of slid around like a jellyfish on oil. Elijah wanted to try to flip it, so he scooped it onto the spatula and it immediately oozed through the spatula slots.

Science class at Granny's!!! I've never tried it. Good to know it's just a saying... for 98 degrees anyway.
So, 1925... wonder is Al Gore's grandfather ranted about global warming :o) Can't wait for cooler temps next week!!!!!
I have always wanted to try that! I heard on the news that a lady put a pan of cookie dough in her car for several hours. It didn't bake them completely, but they were a bit crispy around the edges.
I tried that once a long time ago. It didn't work. At least Shelby and Elijah got a cool science lesson :0)
We had fun doing it. I think I was more disappointed than they were :)
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