Niece Julia made Labor Day greeting cards for everyone and each one was unique. This one is mine. Thanks, Julia!

Big smiles from nieces Julia and Sarah, nephew Alex, sister Jane and Angel Button.

Big brother Ken and hubby Neil all happy in their bouncy chairs.

Sister Ann, nephew Chris (I can tell that's him because of the Blackberry that never leaves his hand), Bev Ligon and brother in law Terry, who keeps us laughing with funny stories.

Brother in law Don, niece Evan and her sweetie Shawn.

Alex, daughters Kelly and Holly, Don and niece Kendra shootin the breeze.

The only group shot I managed to get and even then not everyone was in it. Around the table from the left: Kendra Shelton, Cynthia Mabry, Evan Mabry, Ken Mabry, Ann Sissom, Chris Mabry, Shawn Scantland, Terry Sissom, Julia Foy, Jerry Myers, Don Foy, Jane Foy, Neil Ranft, Holly Myers, and Kelly Kimbrough. We enjoyed a delicious meal of BBQ, Ann's potato salad, Don's cole slaw, Holly's deviled eggs, Terry's baked beans, cantaloupe, and the Sissom's home grown cherry tomatoes. Not to mention to die for desserts like Jane's peanut butter fudge and pumpkin cheese cake.

Ann shows grand daughter Shelby, Julia, and grand son Elijah how to maneuver on the hammock.

Don, Shawn, Alex, Chris, Jerry and Neil test their skills at corn hole.

Ann and Terry's awesome fire pit. In fact, their whole yard is pretty awesome because they've worked so hard on it this Summer and it shows in every detail. It's a piece of heaven in their back yard.

Of course, the fire pit was a magnet for marshmallow roasters like Shelby and Elijah with a little help from Ann.

Elijah got a big kick out of roasting his marshmallows but had zero interest in actually eating them. Ann didn't let them go to waste.

Chris and Kelly hang out on the swing by the fire pit and check out what's happening in the world on Chris's new obsession: The Blackberry!

Jane, Terry, Ann and Cyn chillin around the fire.

The ladies try their hand at corn hole. Terry set up a spotlight so they could see where to toss their corn bags in the hole. No easy target. Kelly pitches while Holly, Shelby and Julia wait to see where it's going to land.