Random Fun And Such ...

Today was Grandparents Day at Mother's Day Out. Neil and I enjoyed eating a delicious breakfast with grandson Elijah and many other assorted grannies, grandpas, and grand kids. So many that they had to set up three more tables to accommodate everyone. We had our picture made together for his MDO scrapbook. I still can't believe he ate sausage balls.

When life hands you key limes ...

... you squeeze them with your trusty lime squeezer and make key lime pie. (The pie recipe is really just Mom's Lemon Icebox Pie, only made with key limes--it's delish!)

Sometimes it helps to have an extra set of eye balls.

Elijah busted some cool moves on the trampoline this afternoon.

And wrestled with Grandpa.

The afternoon isn't complete until you've swung in circles, giggling uncontrollably, and made yourself so dizzy you can't stand up straight when you hop off the swing. Good times, great memories!