The Fairy Ring was back on the front lawn of Jefferson Avenue church of Christ this morning when I arrived. They look different from the ones I saw there last week. These got trampled later on by some little kids. Bummer.

I notice mushrooms everywhere now this summer. Not sure why. Saw these in a neighbor's front yard today. I hope they didn't mind me creeping into their yard to snap some pictures. These mushrooms were huge.

This one looks like a sand dollar.

And these look like something in which a Hobbit would reside.

Found this discarded insect shell, an old pine cone and a rock keeping company in the outer limits of my own back yard. The nearest pine tree is two houses down from ours. Guess this one blew in during a storm a long time ago.

Discovered some more pretty flowers growing in our jungle. This one still sported a little dew drop on its petal.

Pretty little bud. Didn't even notice the bug attached to it until I downloaded the picture on the computer.

The cone flowers are fading but still photo worthy.

Get a room! I thought I was snapping a picture of a cute June bug until I got a closer look. I think we can be sure there will be more June bugs next year....

Our Dahlias are really pretty this year.

This is my favorite snapshot from today.

Dahlia bud

I like this little Morning Glory. The vines are growing everywhere now. They always remind me of the beginning of a new school year because the Morning Glories were always blooming when my daughters walked through the back yard to school.