Showing posts with label fairy ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fairy ring. Show all posts

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day Two Hundred Fourteen

Snapshots from mine and other big back yards....

The Fairy Ring was back on the front lawn of Jefferson Avenue church of Christ this morning when I arrived. They look different from the ones I saw there last week. These got trampled later on by some little kids. Bummer.

I notice mushrooms everywhere now this summer. Not sure why. Saw these in a neighbor's front yard today. I hope they didn't mind me creeping into their yard to snap some pictures. These mushrooms were huge.

This one looks like a sand dollar.

And these look like something in which a Hobbit would reside.

Found this discarded insect shell, an old pine cone and a rock keeping company in the outer limits of my own back yard. The nearest pine tree is two houses down from ours. Guess this one blew in during a storm a long time ago.

Discovered some more pretty flowers growing in our jungle. This one still sported a little dew drop on its petal.

Pretty little bud. Didn't even notice the bug attached to it until I downloaded the picture on the computer.

The cone flowers are fading but still photo worthy.

Get a room! I thought I was snapping a picture of a cute June bug until I got a closer look. I think we can be sure there will be more June bugs next year....

Our Dahlias are really pretty this year.

This is my favorite snapshot from today.

Dahlia bud

I like this little Morning Glory. The vines are growing everywhere now. They always remind me of the beginning of a new school year because the Morning Glories were always blooming when my daughters walked through the back yard to school.

Sun/Moon Face looks like he could use some Chap stick!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day Two Hundred Three

These mushrooms have been growing on the front lawn of Jefferson Avenue church of Christ for
probably years now. I especially noticed them tonight because they're so large! The grass has
grown up around them and they'll most likely be mowed over at some point this weekend. I've
heard something like this is called a Fairy Ring or Fairy Circle, so I looked it up. Pretty cool stuff.
By stepping into the ring to take the close up picture (cell phone camera), I may have brought bad luck upon myself. Or I could have made a wish. Either way, who knew? Now I know.

A "fairy ring" is a circle found in a lawn or pasture land thought to have been caused by dancing fairies. Scientific explanations for this widespread phenomenon are less poetic; the must usual is that it is caused by the spreading mycelia of a fungus (Marasmius oreades). The fairy ring may appear only as a depression in the grass but may also include sprouting mushrooms. If a human steps into the ring he or she is compelled to join the fairies in their wild dancing, which would seem to occur in a few minutes but in fact lasts for seven years or more. The unfortunate mortal dancer can be rescued by having someone outside the ring grab hold of his or her coat-tails. The concept is widely discussed in Celtic languages.
When circles of lush, dark green grass were seen in meadows, they were said to mark the place where fairies had danced, and anybody who set foot in one risked being carried off. Such rings are caused by underground fungi, which at times produce visible toadstools; they persist for years, getting steadily larger, and grazing animals avoid them. No serious belief now attaches to them; at most, a vague idea that it is unlucky to step into one, or, contrariwise, that one can make a wish.