~Jimmy Buffett
Can you tell it’s Fall Break at the beach? This group ordered twelve chairs together. I think maybe it’s time for us to go home.
Woke up to a chilly blue sky Autumn day.
The red flag finally came down ~ yellow flag went back up
The dolphins had everyone’s attention this morning as they swam back and forth looking for breakfast
The water was perfectly clear, all green and blue and warm ~ no seaweed ~ Holly, Jerry, Shelby and Elijah rode the waves which were gentle compared to the past week or so
Not a cloud in that perfect October blue sky
The dolphins were so much fun to watch ~ I’m so happy I got to see them
Beach bums
Knox joined us late this afternoon ~ he was running around faster than my lens shutter could snap his picture
Elijah has been after us to play Monopoly ~ he and Shelby and Neil and I got a game going ~ two hours later we called it a draw because nobody was trading any property and we were going in circles ~ but Shelby ended up with the most money, so she was declared the winner. The Myers family is heading back home in the morning ~ they didn’t get to stay very long but enjoyed the time they did have while they were here ~ Vacation is winding down ………