“Perhaps it is too late. I want to run
the beach's length, because it never ends.”
~Deborah Ager

Neil and I arrived here two weeks ago today. This is the longest vacation we’ve ever taken, anywhere. Ever. It may be the last. The beach is wonderful. Destin is the best. We have enjoyed every moment of it. But two weeks, even in paradise, is a long time.

Today was very chilly, with a northerly wind. It started out cloudy but got sunny and stayed chilly, and the choppy waves returned. The fishermen/women didn’t seem to mind.

That’s a ‘pirate’ ship in the distance ~ saw it yesterday, too, advertising….something.

Today Kelly, Kerry and Knox had to head back home. They’ve come to enjoy breakfast at the Donut Hole, and we went there to eat, but the line was out the door, so we ended up at Another Broken Egg Café, which turned out to be a pretty tasty place for breakfast.

Cuddling with Knox

We kept an eye on Knox while his mom and dad packed up and checked out.

Kerry and Knox and Kelly say so long to the beach ~ I was sad to see them go ~ with all our peeps gone home, this place was way too quiet.

We lazed around on the beach this afternoon for a couple of hours, reading and trying to soak up as much of this place as possible.

Toes in the sand one last time

I love how the water turns silver in the late afternoon when the sun starts to set.

One last dip in the ocean

It’s hard to turn your back on the ocean, but we are ready to go home.

We enjoyed a yummy dinner at Fisherman’s Wharf restaurant, then wandered down the boardwalk and found the fishing boats docking here, bringing their catch in to be weighed. The Destin Fishing Rodeo 2013 is in full swing. It is an annual competition that’s been held for decades here.

All I had was my cell phone camera [forgot to bring my big one] so I had no zoom. This group of six ladies brought in their catch of Red Snapper ~ impressive big fat fish. Wish you could see it. I thought it was funny that most of the people bringing in their catch were women. [They got to keep theirs, Don~just saying]


The sunset was pretty awesome, once again [I was longing for my long lens for this one]. Neil and I spent the rest of the evening packing up, getting ready to leave in the morning. We have enjoyed a wonderful time here, and as all good things do, it passed by way too fast. At least we can take the memories home with us.