As I've said before, it's a rare treat for Neil and me to get to enjoy a lunch with both our daughters on a weekday. But Kelly decided to stay over Sunday night. She was jumping at the chance to have lunch at Ocha, our favorite local Thai restaurant. It was supposed to have re-opened today after a month long hiatus, but when we got there, a note on the door said it would be closed until April 13. Bummer. So the question of the day became: Where do you want to have lunch? And the usual answer: I don't care. Which is never true. Because when you start mentioning names of fast food joints around town, someone will invariably groan. Holly suggested the Soup Kitchen. We've talked about trying it for probably years but we never go. Well, today is the perfect day for some soup. It's cold, windy, and raw and we've had snow flurries off and on all day. Homemade soup and bread hit the spot and we all wondered why we had put off coming here for so long.