Housework is always open ended. I feel a bit like Cinderella when I sweep the hearth with this worn out fireplace broom. [I always think of her as Cinderelly, like the Disney movie mice called her.]
Neil had the day off and was back out in the yard, getting it ready to put down some mulch. I didn’t envy him that, as it was a cold windy cloudy winter day ~ not much sun here. When I snapped this picture, there was a brief moment of snow flurries. Thought I was seeing things because at that moment the sun was out. They were here and gone in a blink.
We treated ourselves to a frozen cookies and cream drink at Poet’s coffee house this afternoon. Crazy thing to do on this cold day. It was delicious, but, living up to its name, froze us half to death.
Neil built a fire when we got back home. Took the chill off for sure. So much for Cinderelly’s hard work sweeping that dirty hearth.