Neil and I have eaten our lunch in Dogwood Park almost every day this week ~ very enjoyable ~ although the picnic table was pretty soggy today after the rain ~ lots of people in the park with the same idea
We started out gray and finally turned into blue ~ not too shabby
We took a quick stroll around the park after lunch ~ Neil spotted this kite eating tree ~ Charlie Brown must have been around somewhere
I Spy with my little eye ~ a butterfly ~ see it? As I was heading across the back yard on my way to pick up Elijah after school, I saw this large butterfly [flutterby] soaring along from plant to plant ~ I only had my cell phone camera and managed to snap a picture before it was gone ~ it was really beautiful but it’s washed out in the bright sunlight ~ I was thrilled to get this shot ~ so I guess that makes this a thrilling Thursday. It’s the little things. Happy first day of August!