Fierce winds in my neck of the woods today. In fact some of the 'woods' ended up on my front porch, not to mention a rather large limb (middle picture) that came crashing down only a few feet from me and my daughter's car this afternoon as I was saying goodbye to her and the grandkids out there on the sidewalk. Had to drag the limb into the yard as it was partly in the street. Daughter Holly says her dad and I could be crushed to death in our sleep if one of our big (and dying) Maple trees gets blown over onto the house. Now there's a nice thought. Neil and I do get concerned about falling trees when the wind gets nasty. We've talked about taking those Maples down for decades now and planting new trees. Somehow I think that ship has sailed. We'd never live to see any shade from a tree planted today. But I suppose whoever ends up in this old house after we're done with it would probably appreciate the shade from some nice sturdy Maples. Something to think about. In the meantime, I'll keep a good thought that one of those old trees won't do us in sometime in the middle of the night.