Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day Thirty Eight

Afternoon Snack

This Mockingbird is loving him some peanut butter snacking this afternoon. Life is good.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day Thirty Six


Here sits Major Nuisance, a.k.a. Eddie Kitty, watching us from the outside while we eat supper. He has been banished from the house during this time because he insists on checking out the food on the table by jumping on the table in hopes of sharing some of the meal. He is wrong, of course. But being a cat, he doesn't understand the word "no" so out he goes. I'm sure he wonders why.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day Thirty Five

Random Restaurant Shots

Last week Neil and I ate lunch at McDonald's on South Jefferson and a man came in with this big German Shepherd. The dog had on a vest that said Service Dog. They must be regulars there because everyone behind the counter knew them. The man got his lunch and sat down in the booth right next to ours. When he went to get his coffee, I took a picture of his dog. You just don't see a German Shepherd in McDonald's every day.

The kids were out of school Monday for a snow day. I promised Elijah a vanilla milk shake at Arby's after lunch. He wanted to go inside to drink the shake so that's what we did. Shelby got a chocolate shake, and they were so thick, we had to eat them with the straws. Plus they were on the dollar menu. Not too shabby.

This afternoon before daughter Kelly and son in law Kerry headed back to Murfreesboro, we stopped at the Cafe Dolce on the square in our little town. I didn't want coffee so I ended up with hot cocoa (that's what it said on the menu which has such small print you can't read it), but it was this dark chocolate that was thick and creamy and totally delicious and so rich I couldn't drink it all. Kelly and Kerry wanted to sample it--that's what the tiny coffee cup was for. When the guy set the little cup on the counter, I thought it was my hot cocoa. Duh

While we drank our coffee/chai/hot cocoa, a man stopped outside and tied his two dogs to the pole and came inside for something to drink. The wind was really cold today and we felt kind of sorry for the dogs out there. The yellow dog was shivering, but they waited patiently while their master had his coffee inside the warm cafe. Maybe I should have shared my hot cocoa with them.

Day Thirty Four

You Say It's Your Birthday

This is my mom the day (maybe the day after) she gave birth to me on February 3, 1953, in Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. She looks happy and she got roses. And she got me.
The picture came from this photo booklet the developers used to put them in back in the day. I love what she wrote on it. You think she knew there would be other daughters to follow? She was right. Thanks for having me, Mom! Thanks for giving me such wonderful brothers and sisters. I love you!