Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day One Hundred Fifty

Picture Postcards From Sunday Afternoon At Poet's

I had the best time this afternoon at Poet's On The Square with assorted peeps and peepettes. Frozen chai, not so tasty smoothies, chocolate lava cake, lots of random conversation and some good time belly laughs made for some good time memories. Hey, we weren't any louder than anybody else, right? Let's do again soon, guys!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day One Hundred Forty Nine

The eastern sky over my back yard was all decked out in sunset colors late this evening. Stormy weather this afternoon, but we needed the rain.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day One Hundred Forty Seven

School Is Out!

Today was the last day of school for Shelby and Elijah. So it was off to the D.Q. for a tasty frozen treat to celebrate Shelby's great grades (5 A's and 3 B's). Summer is right around the corner. Let freedom ring!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day One Hundred Forty Six

I love Hydrangeas. We have several of the bushes in our yard, but they never bloom. Well, never say never.