Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day Three Hundred Four 2010

Halloween ~ 2010

My jack o lantern

Great niece and nephew Ashley and Ethan stopped by on their trick or treating rounds to put the scare into us.

Grandson Elijah was Scooby Doo and granddaughter Shelby was a candy corn witch.

Here are Scooby and the witch with niece Sarah who was Rachel from 'Glee' and niece Julia who was a bag of jelly beans.

Sarah, Elijah and Julia gather some treats from neighbors on my street.

'Rachel' strikes a pose while Julia and Shelby wait for treats.

The pumpkin buckets are starting to fill up.

Julia strikes a pose as a bag of jelly beans. Assorted flavors.

Elijah always led the way to the door for treats.

Shelby, Jerry the werewolf, Elijah, Julia, Kelly, Sarah, Neil and Jane pause for a photo op.

Brother in law Don stayed at the house to feed the spooks and watch some football and most likely some World Series baseball. (Photo by Jane)

All aboard Jerry's truck in search of far away treats in distant neighborhoods. (Photo by Jane)

Witchy Woman Holly with the sparkly eyelashes.

The Werewolf got some looks as he drove his truck through the neighborhoods.

There were some spooky houses (and goblins) along the way.

Kay and Jane and Kelly went along for the ride. (Photo by Jane)

There are some folks who go all out with their Halloween house decorations. This house was really creepy. (Photo by Jane)

Scooby and Julia and the rest of the gang bundled up against the chilly ride home in the back of the truck. (Photo by Jane)

Shelby and Holly made cute mom and daughter witches. (Photo by Jane)

Candy overload! (Photo by Jane)

I have to go to school tomorrow! (Photo by Jane)

I'm already asleep! (Photo by Jane)

The Photo Of The Night: This was the look on Elijah's face after he scurried back into the truck after being scared out of his mind by a man who was dressed like (according to Neil) a guy in the movie 'Kill Bill'--he was dressed all in black robes and had on a long white beard and for the first time all night, Elijah did not lead the way to that porch where this guy was sitting and waiting for the kids. Elijah finally did approach the man for his candy, but then the guy got up and started coming after them, growling. It scared him half to death and I'm so glad my sister Jane snapped this picture of him after he crawled back into the safety of the truck. It was funny to say the least, just not for Elijah.
Other than that, he and all of us had a great time together tonight. Happy Halloween, everyone! Hope yours was spooky!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day Three Hundred Three 2010

Happy 49th Birthday, Jane!

My baby sister Jane celebrated her 49th birthday today. We all had a great time eating Don's awesome spaghetti, watching UT football (until they lost to South Carolina), enjoying yummy chocolate birthday cake (good one, Sarah!), ice cream and punch. Jane got lots of birthday cards filled with cool cash (that's always fun).

This is one of my favorite pictures of my sister back in the day on Halloween. Our brother and I tease her about not getting to trick or treat the year she was born (1961) because our dad took us to see her in the hospital that evening. But that's okay. We ended up with an even better treat. She's sweeter than any candy corn (and you know how much I love candy corn!). You are a blessing to me, little sis. Happy Birthday! So glad I got to celebrate with you today. I love you!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day Three Hundred Two 2010

‎"When witches go riding,
And black cats are seen,
The moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween."~Author Unknown

Ghosts and goblins at my front door.

Happy T.G.I.F., everyone!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day Three Hundred One 2010

Blast From Halloween Past~2004

My nieces, Sarah and Julia Foy, were cute little black cats for Halloween 2004. If I could crawl into the picture, I'd squeeze the stuffing out of them. Adorable! (They still are)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day Three Hundred 2010

Trunk Or Treat~2010~Jefferson Avenue Church Of Christ

Granddaughter Shelby carved this pumpkin. It was part of her family's trunk decorations.

Grandson Elijah, granddaughter Shelby, niece Julia and niece Sarah in their costumes and ready to have some fun.

Sarah and friends dressed as characters from the TV show 'Glee'.

More glee! My sis Jane is ready to feed the spooks.

I'm Batman. Grandson Elijah decided to be Batman for trunk or treat. He says for "real Halloween" he'll be Scooby Doo.

Daughter Holly carved this pumpkin. It was part of her trunk decorations.

The Witch and the Wolf.

Granddaughter Shelby was a candy corn witch.

Rawr! That's son in law Jerry under all that fierce-ness.

Feeding the spooks. The little girl in the yellow looks like she's screaming. The Wolf was pretty scary.

Julia was a bag of jelly beans, Sarah was Rachel from 'Glee' and daughter Kelly and son in law Kerry came as their bad selves. I know I was scared.

Counting candy contest. Make a guess, win a jar of candy.

Guess who won the jar of Reese's Pieces. Holly guessed the amount and put down Elijah's name. Her guess was 2500 pieces. The actual amount was somewhere around 2350. Trunk or Treat is always a blast. The costumes and trunks are always fabulous and creative. The goodies are always delicious. And the fellowship is always uplifting. Not to mention it's a great dress rehearsal for Halloween this Sunday.
P.S. It was son in law Kerry who guessed the number of Reese's Pieces in the jar. Elijah may have to share his prize :)