Monday, December 2, 2013

Day Three Hundred Thirty Six 2013

Grandson Knox is 2 years old today. He will have his birthday party tomorrow, but his mom and dad wanted him to get to blow out his candles on his actual birthday. And so he did. Happy 2nd Birthday, Knox! Granny and Grandpa love you!!
My Aunt Joy Brown turns 99 years old on December 4th. She and a packed restaurant of family and friends celebrated her remarkable milestone this evening. She enjoyed many heartfelt tributes to her in songs and poems and remembrances of her long and influential life. She entertained us by playing her piano and singing and then doing a tap dance to the tune The Entertainer [how appropriate!] while holding on to her walker for support. Can you believe she’s 99?! Amazing. Happy Birthday, Aunt Joy! I want to be just like you when I grow up.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day Three Hundred Thirty Five 2013

December desktop 1  2013
How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?
~Dr. Seuss

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day Three Hundred Thirty Four 2013

Off to the Christmas tree farm today ~ our annual after-Thanksgiving quest to find The Tree. Beautiful day for it, too.
The family who owns this tree farm is looking to retire, so they haven’t planted new trees in several years. The selection is dwindling, especially for the tree we like the best which is the white pine.
Neil tagged the tree to chop down later ~ in about two weeks. There wasn’t much to choose from this time and we weren’t thrilled with our choice, but I always tell Neil they’re all beautiful when you get them decorated. Love the smell of a fresh white pine in the house, even if it makes for stopped up noses. It’s all part of the Christmas experience.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day Three Hundred Thirty Three 2013

What’s the opposite of Thanksgiving food? Mexican food at El Tapatio, where grandson Knox amused himself with his trains. And, of course, wearing a napkin on your head is always a hoot. It’s Black Friday. Did you hit the sales before the sun came up this morning? I did not. Sleeping late is so much more fun. Happy TGIF!

Day Three Hundred Thirty Two 2013

T   hanks for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.
for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.
for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that about. That spells THANKS for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.
~Aileen Fisher, All in a Word

Daughter Kelly and son in law Kerry and grandson Knox hosted Thanksgiving today in their new/old home which is graced with high ceilings and large rooms. Kerry sets a lovely table, doesn’t he?
Kelly ~ our hostess with the mostess. Thanks to you and Kerry for making it all just right.
We are blessed with good cooks in this family. Our yummy menu included turkey and dressing, ham, sweet potato casserole, broccoli and cheese casserole, garlic grit casserole, fried corn, green beans, peas, mashed potatoes, gravy, deviled eggs, frozen cherry salad, cranberry sauce, rolls, sweet tea, and for dessert chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, and cupcakes.
Kerry lights the candles on the table for a little turkey day ambience.
Eleven family members gathered around the table this year. Front and center is granddaughter Shelby, to her left and around the table are grandson Knox, daughter Kelly, brother in law Terry, sister Ann, hubby Neil, son in law Kerry, son in law Jerry, daughter Holly, and grandson Elijah. We all enjoyed this good time fellowship and marvelous feast and a lot of laughter.
I guess this says it all. We are so rich with blessings. Too many to count. Thanks to God for all of them and especially today for loving family and full bellies. Happy Thanksgiving!