Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Four 2012

This And That
When daughter Kelly was here last week, she wanted to check out the local health food store. Wandering around in this aisle made me feel like I was at Hogwarts School For Witches and Wizards. I almost expected to run into Snape and his magic potion book.
I’d never heard of this, but I liked the name, so I Googled it. Mugwort is a perennial plant that is a member of the daisy/sunflower family and a relative of ragweed used traditionally as a healing herb to soothe the rash caused by poison oak. Apparently, you can smoke it to ‘enhance your dreams.’ Don’t say I never taught ya nothin’.
I’m still trying to walk every day, which I did this morning. The clouds in the blue sunny sky were pretty cool. That red thing is the sun flare off my cell camera lens.
Chain link fence made a cool shadow on the sidewalk. I know. I’m supposed to be walking, not taking pictures. I got my iPod out last night because it suddenly dawned on me that I could listen to my tunes while walking which certainly would make the walking more pleasant (and maybe drown out the screaming coming from my left knee). And I realized I have this little fitness app on there that will track my steps taken, miles walked, calories burned, time of walk, etc. It was a Eureka! moment (or more like Duh!) I walked over a mile this morning. Not too shabby for Kay’s creaky old knees.
This afternoon the grandkids Shelby and Elijah hit the trampoline for the first time in months. We had to sweep off all the dead leaves and limbs and bugs and such first before they could jump. Shelby showed Elijah how to do a handstand flip.
They love doing flips. They are fearless. (Which freaks me out sometimes.) They also batted the ball and we threw the Frisbee around for a while which was fun. Today was a beautiful day to be outside. The cooler temps and lower humidity make me long for Fall. But I’m not going to wish away the rest of the Summer. No way.
Wishing my sister Ann and her husband Terry a very happy 30TH wedding anniversary today! They are celebrating this milestone in their marriage at the beach this week. Love you guys!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Three 2012

I’m so excited (and apparently it doesn’t take much to excite me). The pumpkin vine growing wild just off my deck in the back yard has been blooming for weeks, and now it has produced one little pumpkin. I toss out withered pumpkins in this spot every year, and sometimes the seeds sprout and grow, but rarely do they produce any fruit. So I’m excited and hopeful that it will grow up before the birds or bugs discover it. Maybe I’ll have a homegrown jack o’ lantern this Halloween.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Two 2012

Grandson Knox got up close and personal this afternoon with some animals he’s seen only in pictures. We took him to the petting zoo our church was having for vacation Bible school. He was so excited to see the llama, goats, a calf, a cow, a baby buffalo, and a couple of donkeys.  One of the donkeys starred in the VBS play for the children which brought to life the story of Balak, Balaam, and the talking donkey from the old testament book of Numbers, chapter 22, which was our lesson for this evening. Talking donkey, you say? (Luke 1:37 says ‘Nothing is impossible with God.’) Check it out. Knox will learn that story one day. But in the meantime, these donkeys said ‘Hee Haw!’ And Knox knows that the cow says ‘Moo!’

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty One 2012

Elijah Celebrates Being SIX!
Grandson Elijah turned 6 years old yesterday, and today his family and friends helped him celebrate this happy milestone with an Angry Birds themed party and a huge Slip and Slide in his back yard. Cake, ice cream, punch, balloons, birthday hat, slippin’ and slidin’ on that giant water slide, and taking a shot at the Angry Birds pig piñata then gathering up a bag full of candy all added up to a very happy birthday for one of the best kids on the planet. I’m glad I got to watch you having so much fun on your special day. Happy Birthday (again) !! Granny and Grandpa love you very much.