A whole herd of Starlings discovered the peanut butter feeder yesterday and returned this morning for a breakfast feast.

They don't care who they land on as long as they get a place at the table.

Talk about Kung Fu fighting! This Starling wasn't about to give up his peanut butter. He went into Ninja mode.

And he won. The other Starling was clearly intimidated and decided that maybe he should wait his turn for a bite. Talk about when pigs fly! This was the biggest bunch of selfish winged pigs I've ever seen. They finished off every last morsel of peanut butter. I'm sure they'll be back for more. The restaurant is always open, and we don't discriminate. Starlings gotta eat, too.
Love these pictures! The other birds don't seem to be as aggressive as the starlings. I put out some bread for the birds here. They've been eating left-over cat food, which is risky. I looked out and one of the cats was eating the bread!
I'm loving your bird pictures! I don't care for starlings or blackbirds, but I guess they have to eat too. Trouble is they run off the cardinals, nuthatches and other birds.
Nice action shots! That should be a TV show... Ninja Bird Fighting!
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