Granddaughter Shelby looks like the girl in Willy Wonka who ate the super blueberry candy. I was showing her my new lens and flash filters. She thought it was pretty cool.

Cream City Ice Cream Shop is always a nice treat any day of the week.

"I am Iron Man!"

The Iron Man robot belongs to grandson Elijah, but Grandpa Neil had tons of fun with it this afternoon, loading the missiles he fires from his shoulder armour (or some such).

Elijah works the robot with the remote control. Iron Man walks and talks and sometimes falls over backwards for no reason at all. I don't think he's supposed to do that, but it's funny when he does.

He's pretty scary when he's coming at you. This is Iron Man in the Solaris color setting.
Fun Sunday! I love Iron Man! I'm glad Neil got to play with it. :) Also glad Elijah still uses the old imagination! Shelby is beautiful in blue!
Fun Sunday! I love Iron Man! I'm glad Neil got to play with it. :) Also glad Elijah still uses the old imagination! Shelby is beautiful in blue!
The Iron Man robot rocks! Too bad it doesn't say I am Iron Man in the Black Sabbath voice. That would really rock! Looks like Neil had more fun with it than Elijah did :)
Good times!!! :o)
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