My sister Ann brought produce from her garden today--tomatoes and okra. Pretty and probably delicious. Thanks, sis!

Today was grandson Elijah's first day back in class at Mother's Day Out. He comes to my house to hang out for a while in the afternoon. Snapped his picture as he came up the walk.

He was peeking inside ...

... and saw me taking pictures, so he struck a pose. I think he had a good day. Hard to say because he didn't have much to say about MDO, except that he played outside on the playground and he played inside and took a nap. Sounds like a good day to me.
Great pics! I love Elijah peeking in the door! :-) Before I read your caption, I thought "ooh! Shelby the rock star!" Can't wait to get my maters & okra!
Yummy maters!!! School...glad it's in the past...sorry kids spend their childhood in it...ugh! I had a great, can ya tell?!?! Maybe school doesn't sound so bad afterall! LOL!
.."day"...left that out...oops....
Cute pics of Lijah man peeking in the door :) I'm glad he was looking forward to getting back to MDO. Shelby poo is the cutest little rock star diva! Love her skirt. Enjoyed lunch with you and Chris today, sis. Hope you guys enjoy the maters and okra!
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