Grandson Elijah is four years old and has already mastered the video game controls on Play Station 2. He brought over his Scooby Doo game today and played off and on most of the afternoon. (I think the last video game I played was Pong.) By 3:30 he was ready to go outside and jump around on the trampoline for a while with his old granny. Now that I know how to play.
I'm glad we didn't have computers and video games when we were growing up! Bicycles were all we needed :)
Me, too, Ann! It's funny how kids today just seem to instinctively know how to do computer/video game stuff. Weird!
Good to know computers but good to know when to get up and go outside! I find myself wasting the day away on mindless computing... missing the moon as I write... I think I'll go for a walk! :o) ... if Kerry would stop playing his Madden 11 football video game that is!
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