Elijah (in Solaris color setting, cell phone camera) playing Mario Brothers on Shelby's Nintendo. He's getting pretty good at video games.

Shelby on her way to Granny's house (Solaris--it's getting so I take more pictures with my cell phone camera than with my big camera).

A gorgeous Friday in my backyard--temperatures in the high 70's. Awesome!

Headed over to Cream City Ice Cream Shop for a frozen treat this afternoon. Granny is out of Bomb Pops and ice cream sounded yummy. The sky kept looking like it was going to rain, but the sunshine prevailed.

We never need an excuse to get an ice cream cone, but since Shelby did so well making mostly A's and a couple of B's so far this school year, she deserved a cool treat.

Neil's RC plane dropped out of the sky last evening for no good reason and plummeted to the hard ground, nose first. He looked for it until he ran out of daylight. Went back early this morning--sunrise--and looked some more. No luck. Then his co-worker and fellow RC plane enthusiast, Clay, found it later this morning. He took these pics.
Bummer about Neil's plane. :-( Nice of Clay to take pics of the destruction! You guys are doing your part for the local ice cream economy!! :-)
The Red Baron goes down :( Bummer man! Congrats to Shelby on her A's and B's :) The ice cream looks so yummy. I need to get to Cream City next time I'm up Cookeville way!
LOVE the cloud shot! Spooky cool! Cream City ROCKS! Great reward for good grades! Another plane bites the dust. Oh well, atleast it was fun while it lasted.
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