The gang's all here--except Don and Sarah who arrived after the group shot. Around the table from left: Kerry Kimbrough, Kelly Kimbrough, Shelby Myers, Julia Foy, Ann Sissom, Terry Sissom, Shaun Scantland, Evan Mabry, Chris Mabry, Jerry Myers, Holly Myers (holding up new pup Charlie) Ken Mabry, Neil Ranft, Ashley Mabry, Elijah Myers (in there somewhere) Jane Foy, and Ethan Mabry. And Jessica Cat who thought Charlie Pup looked like a tasty morsel.

Kelly's turtle brownies. Yum!

Pork BBQ, Chris's hash brown casserole, Don's cole slaw, Ann's potato salad, and Terry's baked beans made a totally delicious meal. FYI: the baked beans had a pound and a half of bacon in them. That's the truth, folks.

Cousins Ashley, Shelby, Elijah, Julia and Ethan hanging out on the hammock. They all had a great time together.

Terry lit the fire in the fire pit and out came the marshmallows for roasting and toasting.

Terry, Neil and Jerry chillin'. Neil landed four in a row in a corn hole game. Way cool. Wish I'd got some action shots.

Julia, Shaun and Terry hanging out around the fire pit.

Ethan and Chris roast some 'mallows (we call them mellows). Ken is chillin' after that big meal.

We couldn't have asked for nicer weather today. Not a cloud in the deep blue sky, lots of sunshine and a chill in the air. Jerry and Elijah warm up at the fire pit. The night air got really chilly.

Big hugs for Ann and Terry from Elijah. He had a great time.

Ken, Evan and could that possibly be me?! having a little fireside chat.

Jane, Kelly, pup dog Charlie, Sarah and Elijah, who was giving out more goodbye hugs.

Hard to believe another Labor Day Weekend get together has already come and gone. Apologies for not getting everyone in pictures--I ended up with a bunch of blurry ones for some reason. Not to mention that I didn't want to get up again once I'd settled in front of the fire. Too cozy. Thanks to sister Ann and brother in law Terry for once again hosting a most excellent family get together. Everything was fabulous as always and the time we spend together always flies by way too fast. I always thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful family. Love you all!
great pics! great food! another fun day together. sarah & kelly look eerily similar in that next to last pic! we are certainly blessed!
We are blessed for sure! I have the greatest family anyone could ask for. We had a blast. Glad everyone got to be there :) It was nice meeting Charlie pup. He's precious. Thanks to everyone for bringing food and marshmellows, and to Kay and Neil for letting us borrow their tables and chairs. We couldn't have asked for better weather!!! We love you guys!
PERFECT DAY!!! Had a blast!!! Thanks, Ann & Terry, for hosting!
That was so fun! I look extremely attractive in those pictures, too NOT!
You look awesome in those photos Jules!
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