Today we celebrated my mother's birthday. She turned 90 years old yesterday. Thanks again to our go-to cake creator, Tammy, who once again made a totally delicious birthday cake. Believe me, it tasted as wonderful as it looked!

Here's the birthday girl, blowing out those big numbers. Her sister, Joy Brown, who is 96 years young, is sitting right there next to her, thanks to my sister Jane, who made sure Aunt Joy got to help Mom celebrate today.

This is the year of BIG-O birthdays! From left to right: Mom's great grand daughter Shelby Myers turns 10 in July, Mom's grand daughter Kendra Shelton turns 30 in July, Mom's grandson Chris Mabry turned 40 in January, Mom's daughter Jane Foy turns 50 in October, Mom's son in law Don Foy turns 50 in May, and Mom's son in law Neil Ranft turned 60 in February. And of course Mom hit the Big Nine-0 on March 26. How cool is that!

Here's Mom with all but two of her grandpeeps and great grandpeeps. Front row left to right: great grandson Elijah Myers, grand daughter Julia Foy, grand daughter Sarah Foy, grand daughter Kelly Kimbrough, grand daughter Kendra Shelton, and grand daughter Evan Mabry. Back row from left to right: great grand daughter Shelby Myers, great grandson Ethan Mabry, great grand daughter Ashley Mabry, grandson Chris Mabry, and grand daughter Holly Myers. (Missing in action: grandsons Ian Mabry and Alex Mabry)

Mom's peeps! Back row left to right: son in law Don Foy, son in law Neil Ranft, grandson Chris Mabry, grand daughter Evan Mabry, son in law Terry Sissom, grand daughter Kendra Shelton, grandson in law Al Shelton, grand daughter Kelly Kimbrough. Middle row left to right: grandson in law Jerry Myers, grand daughter Holly Myers, son Ken Mabry, daughter Kay Ranft, daughter Ann Sissom, sister Joy Brown, daughter Jane Foy, and great grand daughter Shelby Myers. Front row left to right: great grand daughter Ashley Mabry, grand daughter Sarah Foy, great grandson Ethan Mabry, great grandson Elijah Mabry, and grand daughter Julia Foy.
I'm telling you, folks, this is THE BEST FAMILY on the planet. I'm so thankful we could all be together today to celebrate our mom's/granny's/great-granny's 90th birthday! Looking forward to doing it all over again next year, Mom! Love you!!
We do have the best family on the planet! Great pictures, fun times, awesome memories.
Amen! I'm so glad we could all be together with Mom. (I feel really bad because it did not even cross my mind to invite Alex!!! I knew Ian wasn't there, but I'm ashamed to say that I didn't think of Alex! Argh!)
I believe that was the best Tammy cake ever!
It was a good time hangin with the Mabry Bunch!! Best family EVER!!!
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