Showing posts with label Hamp Mabry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamp Mabry. Show all posts
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Day One Hundred Twenty 2012
Some glad morning when this life is o'er,
I'll fly away;
To a home on God's celestial shore,
I'll fly away
I'll fly away, Oh Glory
I'll fly away; (in the morning)
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by,
I'll fly away
When the shadows of this life have gone,
I'll fly away;
Like a bird from prison bars has flown,
I'll fly away
Just a few more weary days and then,
I'll fly away;
To a land where joy shall never end,
I'll fly away
My dear mother, Hampton Gailbreath Mabry, passed away this morning very peacefully.
Outside the nursing home, I saw this jet streaking across the sky, leaving its white vapor trail. And of course I thought of my mother flying away and I thought of this hymn, which I think is probably my most favorite. I'm hurt that she's not here with us any more, but comforted to know that she's at peace on 'God's celestial shore'. I love you and miss you, Mom, more than I can say, but I'll be seeing you again someday.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Day Eighty Six 2012
My mother, Hampton Gailbreath Mabry, is 91 years old today. This is one of my favorite pictures of her, stylin' in her (1940's) swimsuit and having a great time with her best friends at the lake. Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Day Seventy Seven 2012
Daughter Kelly brought her son Knox to visit his great-granny, who is in the hospital for some tests. This is the first time she's seen him since Christmas. They seemed to enjoy their brief visit. Knox eventually fell asleep. His great-granny was asleep, too, when we left.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Day Thirty Four 2012
On February 3, 1953, my dear mom, Hamp Mabry, turned me loose in this world, and I thank her for that, because so far it's been a most interesting and joyful and fruitful journey. This evening during my birthday party, my brother in law Don Foy did the math, and so graciously pointed out to me that as I complete my 59th trip around the Sun, I have traveled 1.50, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 miles. I don't know if a name can be put to this number. All I know is that it's a lot of miles, and God has blessed me richly every mile of the way, and I thank Him for that. Thanks so much to my family who made my birthday so much fun as they always do each year. So generous with gifts and best of all so generous with love and affection and that's what makes all those miles worth while. Looking forward to the rest of the trip! (In this picture taken by my sister Ann Sissom on 2/2/12~~ my mother and I. ~~I love you, Mom! Thanks for having me!~~)
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Day Three Hundred Fifty Four 2011

The Christmas party at my mom's assisted living home was a blast tonight. We were serenaded with holiday tunes by the karaoke guy, enjoyed ham and biscuits, hash brown casserole, green beans and cobbler for dessert, and Santa Claus dropped by to hand out gifts for the kids and the residents, including snow globes which always bring happiness and joy (right, Jane?) as you can see by the look on grandson Elijah's face. We had a great time together visiting my mom, who is never ready for the party to end.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Day Two Hundred Thirty 2011

Even though Talk Like A Pirate Day is a whole month away, the residents at the assisted living home where my mom lives are dressing up like pirates today and getting ready to enjoy a bon voyage dinner of fish and chips. (Actually I don't think anyone there is going anywhere anytime soon). The pirate theme is all in fun. So here's my dear mom, dressed up like Captain Jack Sparrow, along with the rest of the mateys. By the way, she has an earring in her left ear but you can't see it. Argh!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Day One Hundred Twenty Eight 2011

Happy Mother's Day to my precious 90 year old MOM. I am proud and blessed to be her daughter. You're The Best, Ma! I Love You!!

And Happy Mother's Day to my precious daughters. My daughter Kelly (on the left) is a MOTHER TO BE, expecting her first child in December, and my daughter Holly (on the right) is the SUPER MOM to Shelby and Elijah. I'm so proud and blessed to be their mom and grannymom. Thanks for a wonderful Mother's Day celebration today! I love you all!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Day Eighty Six 2011

Today we celebrated my mother's birthday. She turned 90 years old yesterday. Thanks again to our go-to cake creator, Tammy, who once again made a totally delicious birthday cake. Believe me, it tasted as wonderful as it looked!

Here's the birthday girl, blowing out those big numbers. Her sister, Joy Brown, who is 96 years young, is sitting right there next to her, thanks to my sister Jane, who made sure Aunt Joy got to help Mom celebrate today.

This is the year of BIG-O birthdays! From left to right: Mom's great grand daughter Shelby Myers turns 10 in July, Mom's grand daughter Kendra Shelton turns 30 in July, Mom's grandson Chris Mabry turned 40 in January, Mom's daughter Jane Foy turns 50 in October, Mom's son in law Don Foy turns 50 in May, and Mom's son in law Neil Ranft turned 60 in February. And of course Mom hit the Big Nine-0 on March 26. How cool is that!

Here's Mom with all but two of her grandpeeps and great grandpeeps. Front row left to right: great grandson Elijah Myers, grand daughter Julia Foy, grand daughter Sarah Foy, grand daughter Kelly Kimbrough, grand daughter Kendra Shelton, and grand daughter Evan Mabry. Back row from left to right: great grand daughter Shelby Myers, great grandson Ethan Mabry, great grand daughter Ashley Mabry, grandson Chris Mabry, and grand daughter Holly Myers. (Missing in action: grandsons Ian Mabry and Alex Mabry)

Mom's peeps! Back row left to right: son in law Don Foy, son in law Neil Ranft, grandson Chris Mabry, grand daughter Evan Mabry, son in law Terry Sissom, grand daughter Kendra Shelton, grandson in law Al Shelton, grand daughter Kelly Kimbrough. Middle row left to right: grandson in law Jerry Myers, grand daughter Holly Myers, son Ken Mabry, daughter Kay Ranft, daughter Ann Sissom, sister Joy Brown, daughter Jane Foy, and great grand daughter Shelby Myers. Front row left to right: great grand daughter Ashley Mabry, grand daughter Sarah Foy, great grandson Ethan Mabry, great grandson Elijah Mabry, and grand daughter Julia Foy.
I'm telling you, folks, this is THE BEST FAMILY on the planet. I'm so thankful we could all be together today to celebrate our mom's/granny's/great-granny's 90th birthday! Looking forward to doing it all over again next year, Mom! Love you!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Day Eighty Five 2011
Happy 90TH Birthday, Mom!

Our family is having a birthday party for her tomorrow, but I wanted her to have something special on her actual day of days, so I took her a gorgeous spring bouquet and some Krystals, with a chocolate milk quake. She was surprised and pleased to say the least. Krystal burgers are her fave (and they'd better have plenty of pickles on them!).

My mother, Hampton Gailbreath Mabry, was born March 26, 1921 in Gainesboro, Tennessee, and celebrates her 90TH birthday today. She doesn't look 90 years old, does she? She's never looked her age.

Our family is having a birthday party for her tomorrow, but I wanted her to have something special on her actual day of days, so I took her a gorgeous spring bouquet and some Krystals, with a chocolate milk quake. She was surprised and pleased to say the least. Krystal burgers are her fave (and they'd better have plenty of pickles on them!).
Friday, December 10, 2010
Day Three Hundred Forty Four 2010
Happy T.G.I.F. !

Santa Claus paid a visit this evening to my mom and the other residents at the assisted living home where they had their annual Christmas Party/Open House. Looks like Mom was doing a bit of flirting with old St. Nick, eh? Good times.

Neil had the day off today. He and grandson Elijah enjoyed coloring a picture in the giant Santa coloring book. Fun stuff.

Santa Claus paid a visit this evening to my mom and the other residents at the assisted living home where they had their annual Christmas Party/Open House. Looks like Mom was doing a bit of flirting with old St. Nick, eh? Good times.
Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day One Hundred Sixty One 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Day One Hundred Thirty Four
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Day One Hundred Twenty Nine
Happy Mother's Day!

My sisters and brother and I think our mom is the best mom on the planet. Here she is surrounded by a few of her peeps: daughter Kay Ranft (me!), daughter Ann Sissom, grand daughter Sarah Foy, grand daughter Kelly Kimbrough, daughter Jane Foy, and grand daughter Julia Foy. Just want to say thanks for having us, Mom! We love you!! Happy Mother's Day to MOMS everywhere!

I am the proud mom of two awesome daughters, Holly Myers and Kelly Kimbrough, and the proud granny of two awesome grand children, Shelby and Elijah Myers. They are a blessing to me and make my world a better place to be every day. Thank you again for my beautiful cards and the cool presents. The best present was simply getting to spend time with you this weekend. I love you all!!

My sisters and brother and I think our mom is the best mom on the planet. Here she is surrounded by a few of her peeps: daughter Kay Ranft (me!), daughter Ann Sissom, grand daughter Sarah Foy, grand daughter Kelly Kimbrough, daughter Jane Foy, and grand daughter Julia Foy. Just want to say thanks for having us, Mom! We love you!! Happy Mother's Day to MOMS everywhere!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Day One Hundred Twenty Six

My sister, brother, nephew and I had lunch with our mom/granny today. The house lunch was fried chicken, which she loves. I brought her Krystal burgers, which she loves. My brother brought her corn dogs and mustard, which she loves. So what did she choose to eat for lunch? All of it! She enjoyed every bite. Lunch with Mom is always a hoot.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day Eighty Seven

My mom, Hampton Gailbreath Mabry, turned 89 on Friday, March 26, 2010. Our family got together today to celebrate her latest milestone. (With another delicious cake made by daughter Holly's friend, Tammy. Well done, Tammy!)

The birthday lady listens as she's serenaded with the birthday song, sung by the whole family with great enthusiasm if not a bit off key. I think she liked it anyway.

Blow out those candles, Ma! We all enjoyed this wonderful cake and ice cream and punch, and of course Mom got cards and presents and lots of hugs and kisses, which she'd probably rather have anyway.

Family members who could make it to the party~back row from left: grandson Chris Mabry, grandson in law Jerry Myers, granddaughter Holly Ranft Myers, granddaughter Sarah Foy, great granddaughter Ashley Mabry, daughter Ann Mabry Sissom, daughter in law Cynthia Mabry, son in law Don Foy, son in law Neil Ranft, and son in law Terry Sissom. Front row from left: great grandson Ethan Mabry, granddaughter Kelly Ranft Kimbrough, granddaughter Julia Foy, great grandson Elijah Myers, the birthday lady Hamp Mabry, son Ken Mabry, great granddaughter Shelby Myers, daughter Kay Mabry Ranft, and daughter Jane Mabry Foy.
We all love you, Mom/Granny/Great Granny! Wishing you all the best today and always and wishing you many more happy birthdays to come!

My mom, Hampton Gailbreath Mabry, turned 89 on Friday, March 26, 2010. Our family got together today to celebrate her latest milestone. (With another delicious cake made by daughter Holly's friend, Tammy. Well done, Tammy!)

The birthday lady listens as she's serenaded with the birthday song, sung by the whole family with great enthusiasm if not a bit off key. I think she liked it anyway.

Blow out those candles, Ma! We all enjoyed this wonderful cake and ice cream and punch, and of course Mom got cards and presents and lots of hugs and kisses, which she'd probably rather have anyway.

Family members who could make it to the party~back row from left: grandson Chris Mabry, grandson in law Jerry Myers, granddaughter Holly Ranft Myers, granddaughter Sarah Foy, great granddaughter Ashley Mabry, daughter Ann Mabry Sissom, daughter in law Cynthia Mabry, son in law Don Foy, son in law Neil Ranft, and son in law Terry Sissom. Front row from left: great grandson Ethan Mabry, granddaughter Kelly Ranft Kimbrough, granddaughter Julia Foy, great grandson Elijah Myers, the birthday lady Hamp Mabry, son Ken Mabry, great granddaughter Shelby Myers, daughter Kay Mabry Ranft, and daughter Jane Mabry Foy.
We all love you, Mom/Granny/Great Granny! Wishing you all the best today and always and wishing you many more happy birthdays to come!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Day Forty Nine

The lunch bunch at our mom's place today--around the table from left: brother Ken, niece Sarah, MOM, sister Ann, niece Julia, and sister Jane. It's not that often that we all get to hang out together at the same time. But this day (snow day!) we got to pig on Krystal's and subs and peanut M&M's, and generally misbehave and make a lot of noise which turns out to be mostly laughter. Good for the psyche and the soul and maybe even the circulatory system, who knows. Hope we all get to do it again soon.
And a shout out to my son-in-law Jerry who turns 32 years old today. Happy Birthday, Jerry! Hope you get to go bass fishing soon. We love you!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Day Three Hundred Fifty One
Christmas Party At Morningside

Shelby, Santa, and Elijah share some smiles and candy canes.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Day Three Hundred Thirty Eight
Happy 95th Birthday, Aunt Joy Brown!

After the party, relatives gathered at Aunt Joy's house to visit, tell stories, laugh, and make lots of noise. Here are sisters Joy Brown and Hamp Mabry.

These two cousins finally got to meet. They were born a day apart in August, 2006. On the left is Landon Brown, who lives in Texas, and Elijah Myers. They hit it off big time and had the best time playing together.

The family group shot. From top left: Kathy Brown, Lowell Brown, Don Foy, Jane Foy, Kay Ranft, Ann Sissom, Tom Brown, Neil Ranft & Terry Sissom. Middle row from left: Mike Brown, Joy Brown, Landon Brown, Hamp Mabry, Shelby Myers, Julia Foy & Elijah Myers. Front row from left: Ken Mabry, Kelly Kimbrough, Holly Myers & Tony Sircy. This bunch always has a great time when we manage to get together, which isn't as often as we'd like any more. Happy birthday, Aunt Joy! Wishing you many more!

About half the town of Gainesboro, Tennessee, and assorted relatives from near and far gathered at Helen's Restaurant to celebrate my Aunt Joy Brown's 95th birthday. Aunt Joy is a special lady and deserves these yearly accolades, which have turned into a major event. In this picture from left are Hamp Mabry (my mom and Joy's younger sister--Mom is 88), Aunt Joy, and their cousin, Glenn Ragland (who is nearing 90 herself). Glenn and family traveled all the way from Memphis today to surprise Aunt Joy on her special day.

After the party, relatives gathered at Aunt Joy's house to visit, tell stories, laugh, and make lots of noise. Here are sisters Joy Brown and Hamp Mabry.

These two cousins finally got to meet. They were born a day apart in August, 2006. On the left is Landon Brown, who lives in Texas, and Elijah Myers. They hit it off big time and had the best time playing together.

The family group shot. From top left: Kathy Brown, Lowell Brown, Don Foy, Jane Foy, Kay Ranft, Ann Sissom, Tom Brown, Neil Ranft & Terry Sissom. Middle row from left: Mike Brown, Joy Brown, Landon Brown, Hamp Mabry, Shelby Myers, Julia Foy & Elijah Myers. Front row from left: Ken Mabry, Kelly Kimbrough, Holly Myers & Tony Sircy. This bunch always has a great time when we manage to get together, which isn't as often as we'd like any more. Happy birthday, Aunt Joy! Wishing you many more!
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