Monday, April 4, 2011

Day Ninety Four 2011

Grandson Elijah and I caught a little jump time on the trampoline this afternoon right before the storms came through.

"No more pictures!" He thinks if he hides his face, I can't take his picture. He don't know me very well, do he?

Gratuitous posed picture of cute grand kid. He's wearing his new T Ball cap and shirt. His team is the Muck Dogs sponsored by Hidden Hollow. He says practice is hard, not fun, and boring. That's what video games do to a kid, I guess. Anyway, let the games begin! In about a week.

He really wanted this tulip for his mom, so I cut the two yellow ones we have in the yard, figuring the wind and rain would destroy them. Put them in a glass with water and brought them inside. He forgot to give them to his mom after all. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. (God willing!)


Ann S. said...

What a cute little "Muck Dog!" I love the name of his team. I would love to get up and see one of his games. Times like that I wish we lived in Cookeville :0) Hope you guys didn't get any storm damage up your way!

Kelly said...

Ahh, he's so cute!!! I want to love him and squeeze him!!!
I had a front row seat to the storms today. Watched as the blew through Lebanon, literally!

Jane said...

Cute pics! Hope to get to see the Muck Dogs play! (Very cool name) I hope he enjoys it more as time goes on.