Daddy Neil and Daughter Kelly~Happy Father's Day!

The Beetles. They were all over this hosta earlier in the evening and then we noticed them all clustered on this one leaf right before this huge storm blew through town. Wonder if they knew it was coming?

A mighty storm blew through here this evening with fierce straight line winds that blew this rather large limb out of our silver maple and onto a deck chair. The wind was scary!

We were pelted with hail in all shapes and sizes. Thankfully, nothing fell on the cars and house and the storm came and went pretty quickly. This has been one crazy wild spring!
Great shot of Kelly and Neil! Those are some interesting looking beetle bugs. Wonder what kind they are? Sorry you guys had the wild storm today, but glad it blew through quickly. That particular storm went north of us.
Very nice pic of Neil & Kelly! Freaky beetles! They've taken over where the cicadas left off, looks like! :) Man, that storm was wild! I've never seen so much hail! Did Holly not make it by to see Neil today?
No, Holly did not make it to see her dad on Father's Day. She did call around 7:30.
Had a great weekend with the ma and pa! Lots of yummy food and desserts! Weather was nice despite the storms.
Happy Father's Day, Neilard! Love you! Thanks for all you do for me and Kerry, we appreciate it VERY much!!!
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