My firstborn, Kelly, celebrates her 36th birthday today. She’s nearly one year old in this picture, feeding her baby doll a graham cracker. Now she’s the grown up mother of her own almost one year old son. I can see a lot of him in her in this picture. Happy Birthday with love and hugs, Kelly. You will always be a precious blessing in my life.
Showing posts with label Kelly Ranft Kimbrough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kelly Ranft Kimbrough. Show all posts
Monday, November 12, 2012
Day Three Hundred Seventeen 2012

My firstborn, Kelly, celebrates her 36th birthday today. She’s nearly one year old in this picture, feeding her baby doll a graham cracker. Now she’s the grown up mother of her own almost one year old son. I can see a lot of him in her in this picture. Happy Birthday with love and hugs, Kelly. You will always be a precious blessing in my life.
My firstborn, Kelly, celebrates her 36th birthday today. She’s nearly one year old in this picture, feeding her baby doll a graham cracker. Now she’s the grown up mother of her own almost one year old son. I can see a lot of him in her in this picture. Happy Birthday with love and hugs, Kelly. You will always be a precious blessing in my life.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Day One Hundred Forty Nine 2012
We enjoyed a low key Memorial Day, swinging on the front porch and then watching the fountain at Dogwood Park this afternoon. The sound of the water lulled grandson Knox right to sleep. A nice lady offered to take our picture.
Happy Memorial Day, America! A heartfelt Thank You! to all those who served this country in the armed forces and gave their lives so that we can live in freedom.
Happy Memorial Day, America! A heartfelt Thank You! to all those who served this country in the armed forces and gave their lives so that we can live in freedom.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Day One Hundred Five 2012
Neil and I visited daughter Kelly and grandson Knox today. Knox says "Hi!"
After lunch, we stopped by Stones River Battlefield (which is in Murfreesboro, Tennessee). A Civil War reenactment group was demonstrating the steps the soldiers went through to load and fire their cannons.
They should have warned us to cover our ears before they fired the cannon. Boom!
Grandson Knox was all happy on his grandpa's lap in his cap and shades, enjoying the sunshine. Then they fired the cannon. The loud boom scared Knox (and all of us) half to death. He cried for ten minutes, maybe more, after that. Poor kid.
Joe Cool. Before the cannon went off.
Granny and Grandpa and Knox.
As far as the eye can see....Across the street from the battlefield is the cemetery where thousands of Union soldiers are buried.
Long may she wave!
Back at the house, it's supper time for Knox. He is digging the rice cereal now.
Rice rice baby! We had a great time today. Knox was worn out and finally went to sleep (hopefully for the night!) Good times, great memories!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Day Ninety One 2012
Daughters and grandkids spent Friday night with Neil and me. We stayed up late and woke up late and enjoyed Neil’s homemade blueberry waffles for breakfast. It was an awesome spring day so we headed outside where grand daughter Shelby communed with neighbor kitty Lily.
We dusted off the jug of bubble soap and Shelby blew some bubble art.
Temporary bubble art, big as your head!
Grandson Elijah made friends with a caterpillar and named him ‘Jeff’.
‘Jeff’ was a pretty fast crawler. Elijah put him in a paper cup with some grassy weeds to climb on.
Grandson Knox was diggin’ the great outdoors, too, but didn’t get into the creepy crawly action. He’s a little wiggle worm in his own right.
Saturday (and everyday) Peeps! Daughters Kelly and Holly and grandkids Elijah, Shelby, and Knox, who found more interesting things to look at than my camera.
Bubble art with purple lilacs. Our lilac bush has lots of blooms this year.
Also pretty in purple, a gorgeous iris, which is the Tennessee state flower. The end of winter and start of spring has been so hot that only a couple of the iris plants bloomed. Made me sad. Love these.
Speaking of creepy crawlies…Neil was weeding around our house and almost put his hand on this snake. We think it was a copperhead which is poisonous. It was poised to strike, sticking its forked tongue out at us. I got close as I could to take this picture. (You can click on the picture to enlarge it if you like). Elijah said, “I hate snakes!” Shelby said, “Off with its head!” Neil obliged with his hoe. Gave all of us the willies!
Grandson Knox in a rare on-the-belly pose. Hard to believe he’ll be 4 months old on Monday. Good times, great memories! Happy Saturday, everyone!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Day Seventy Eight 2012
Sweet Peeps! Daughter Kelly and Grandson Knox sharing some giggle time on the back porch this beautiful Sunday afternoon.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Day Seventy Seven 2012
Daughter Kelly brought her son Knox to visit his great-granny, who is in the hospital for some tests. This is the first time she's seen him since Christmas. They seemed to enjoy their brief visit. Knox eventually fell asleep. His great-granny was asleep, too, when we left.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Day Three Hundred Sixteen 2011

My daughter, Kelly, celebrated her 35th birthday today. She’s a mom-to-be and her due date is near, so we traveled to her house this year to party instead of her having to drive here. Her dad Neil, hubby Kerry, sister Holly, niece Shelby, nephew Elijah and her mom (that would be moi), enjoyed her yummy pizza birthday lunch at the Mellow Mushroom. On the way back to her house, we stopped at Julia’s Bakery and picked up an array of most awesome cakes and cupcakes for the occasion. Elijah lead the Happy Birthday Song. Kelly enjoyed all her presents, both flat and not-so-flat (sister Holly always makes sure she’s got an actual package to open—and that Teddy bear for Knox was precious!). We got to see the baby’s room (so beautiful and sweet) and meet Kelly’s kitty cats, Smoky and Frankie. It was a fun afternoon. Happy Birthday, Kelly! Your dad and I love you more than you’ll ever know. You’ve been a blessing to us ever since you arrived on that snowy November night!
My daughter, Kelly, celebrated her 35th birthday today. She’s a mom-to-be and her due date is near, so we traveled to her house this year to party instead of her having to drive here. Her dad Neil, hubby Kerry, sister Holly, niece Shelby, nephew Elijah and her mom (that would be moi), enjoyed her yummy pizza birthday lunch at the Mellow Mushroom. On the way back to her house, we stopped at Julia’s Bakery and picked up an array of most awesome cakes and cupcakes for the occasion. Elijah lead the Happy Birthday Song. Kelly enjoyed all her presents, both flat and not-so-flat (sister Holly always makes sure she’s got an actual package to open—and that Teddy bear for Knox was precious!). We got to see the baby’s room (so beautiful and sweet) and meet Kelly’s kitty cats, Smoky and Frankie. It was a fun afternoon. Happy Birthday, Kelly! Your dad and I love you more than you’ll ever know. You’ve been a blessing to us ever since you arrived on that snowy November night!
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