My sister Ann and her husband Terry always host an annual Labor Day family get together at their house. This year, we got rained out, so they moved it to this afternoon and rented a huge shelter at the beautiful park just down the hill from their house, just in case the rains came again. But we couldn’t have asked for a more gorgeous day, and what a way to kick off the first day of Fall than with family and yummy food!
My sister in law Cynthia snapped this one of us enjoying BBQ, Ann’s killer potato salad, Don’s killer cole slaw, and Terry’s killer baked beans. I took a similar picture and sorry to exclude you, Cyn, but your shot was much better than mine.
After dark, we headed back to Ann and Terry’s for a huge bonfire.
This fire was so big and hot you had to have a ten foot pole to roast a marshmallow! It sure did knock back the evening chill.
Thanks, again, Ann and Terry, for hosting this good time shindig! This is my favorite time of year, and getting to spend times like these with my family is always a blessing to me.
Great shots, sis! I'm glad someone got a picture of the yummy food before we devoured it :0) Awesome time, great memories! Glad you all enjoyed it.
Not even that inferno could keep me from roasting marshmallows! :) It was a wonderful day!
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