Hubby Neil had the day off today. We finally made it to a local indoor shooting range this morning and did some target practice with a .22 we recently bought and also one of son in law Jerry's handguns, a Glock. This is the first time either one of us has fired a handgun. Neil did very well. He never strayed from center. (The guy next to us was shooting at a zombie target.) (Another guy was firing an AK47. Sounded like a canon going off. I feared for my hearing, even with ear protection.)
On the other hand, it took me several shots before I got used to the sight. My shots went all over the place at first, but I got better at it. I did hit a few center. The .22 is pretty easy, but that Glock certainly has a kick!
We used the same target, but it's easy to see who was the better shot. Neil hit the head shot dead center (so to speak). We're going to take the handgun safety class and get our permits to carry a weapon. We really enjoyed the target practice and look forward to doing this again soon.
On a much lighter note, grandson Knox is here for a visit along with his mom and dad. He's nine months old now and is crawling all over the place.
He is so sweet and funny. He's waving and clapping his hands now and has his own little vocabulary.
Grandson Elijah played his first Fall Ball-T Ball game this evening. He loves batting, but he made several plays fielding, getting two or three outs. His team has red shirts and they played a team with black shirts. No formal team names and they don't keep score in Fall Ball.
Good job, Elijah! Good kid.
After the ball game, Knox's dad Kerry sat him down in the grass. He had the best time pulling it up and throwing it around. It's the little things. Life is good.
Glad you guys got to go to the range and shoot. It does take some getting used to. I'm seriously thinking of getting my permit too. The only thing that has kept me from doing it is the responsibility involved. Sweet pictures of the kiddos! Knox has gotten so big. Hope I get to see him on Thursday! Is Elijah enjoying Fall Ball?
Remind me not to make you guys mad! :) Glad you are exercising your 2nd amendment rights. Love the pics of the kids. I think those are the sweetest pics of Knox ever! Love his little shirt!
Eventful day!!! Great pics!!!
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