Happy Birthday to my honey/hubby Neil who turned 62 today.
We enjoyed a yummy supper at Ocha Thai deli this evening (the only one missing is son in law Kerry) and will party tomorrow night with cake and ice cream for the birthday boy.
We attended grandson Elijah’s Vision Basketball awards this evening. What a great night for all the kids who played this season. This was Elijah’s first time playing basketball, and he loved it. He won a team trophy, as all the kids did, but also won a medal for memorizing all his Bible verses for this season. And each team had one member who won a special award called the Paul award for player who improved most during the season. Elijah won this award. I am so proud of you, Elijah! Loved watching all your games and looking forward to seeing you play again next year.
Happy Birthday, Neil and Congratulations to Elijah! I'm proud of you, dude!
Happy Birthday, PA!!!
Way to go, Elijah!!!
Belated happy b-day to the old feller :) Very proud of Elijah! My friend from Sycamore who's son played on Ellijah's team was bragging on Elijah today about how well he played and what a good kid he is. Of course, I already knew that! :)
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