Ah, Spring! Who’d have thought March 25th would be a snow day? Talk about March madness. Students and teachers in our neck of middle Tennessee woke up and rejoiced and then went back to sleep.
I was going to make a new recipe this morning for the Crockpot that called for mild chopped green chilies. I had the chopped green chilies, but the operative word here was ‘mild’. Alas, mine were hot. Just wouldn’t do. So off I go to Wal-Mart for the proper ingredient. First, had to scrape the snow off the car. Looks like we got an inch or more.
It’s spring time in Wal-Mart (or maybe more like summer time). Guess Mother Nature didn’t get the memo.
It couldn’t have been a bleaker day, but I do like the snow flurries. It flurried here all day long. May get another inch or two tonight and tomorrow.
The new recipe is White Chicken Chili ~ thus the need for chopped green chilies [mild]. I’m not a great cook, but I do know how to create a great mess when trying some new recipe.
Looked good. Smelled good while it cooked all day long.
I used the last of the bird seed to fill up one of the feeders this morning. And I always put out peanut butter when it’s this cold. The birdies love that stuff.
Even the doves didn’t want to be walking around on the cold ground today. They’re always welcome on the feeders …
… if they can manage to hang on and eat at the same time.
Grandpeeps Elijah and Shelby came to stay with me around lunch time today. Since our fave Thai food place is closed for the next six weeks, we had lunch with the Colonel. I wish I knew what Elijah was saying to Shelby … that’s what happens when you’re too busy taking the picture … you miss stuff.
Meat and potatoes kind of guy.
And girl. Love those KFC taters.
We hit Ralph’s Donut Shop after porking out on chicken and brought home a dozen to be savored later at snack time. With cold milk, of course. We didn't eat them all ~ just in case you're wondering.
The White Chicken Chili turned out great. A hearty meal on a cold windy snowy spring day. Especially with a dollop or two or three of sour cream. Fritos, too, which are always good anytime anywhere.
Seems like it was a day for chicken in various forms. Since we were out of bird seed, Neil and I went to Tractor Supply after supper to pick up some seed [the birds still need to be fed until the bugs start to hatch] and they had baby chicks for sale. [Easter is on its way.] They’re such cute fuzzy little peeps. You just want to hold them and squeeze them and love them.
And they had Easter bunnies, too.
And Easter ducks. Quack! Hope they all end up in good homes.
Happy Monday, y’all!
What a disconnect! Easter chicks, bunnies, ducks, shorts, tank tops... and snow! :) Fun pics! Your chili looks so good! So do those donuts! No telling what Elijah is saying to Shelby. Looks like we get another Spring snow day tomorrow!
What Jane said! :0) I will add that you guys got more snow than we did. I'm ready for spring for real!!!
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