Here comes the sun! If you click on this picture to enlarge it, you can see all the tiny sunbursts in the birdbath water, along with the sun’s glorious reflection. Pretty cool and totally accidental on my part.
Our birdbath hasn’t been cleaned out in a long time and contains a little eco system all its own. There are tiny bubbles in the water around that little feather (I think it’s a feather).
Our porches haven’t been cleaned off all winter, either. This is one of the rotting pumpkins from last Fall still sitting on the deck that will need to be scooped off with a shovel because it has turned to liquid. That should be fun.
The sun is new each day.
Watering can can’t water with a hole in the bottom.
All of our buttercups look like this ~ bowed down even in the bright sunlight. They bloomed way too early this year and have been beaten down by the recent snow.
You’re never too old to blow bubbles, which I did this afternoon, [even though the grand peeps weren’t around], just because they were still sitting out on the table where we left them earlier this week. Could not resist.
Little buttercup bud just can’t hold its head up ~ too weak from the cold and snow.
This little stone in our walkway commemorates the year we moved into this house ~ 30 years ago this month. Hard to believe I’ve spent half my life here.
We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.
~John Lennon
Good advice.
Happy TGIF, y’all! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Very cool pictures!! Great stuff!
I love these shots! The macro eco system pics are awesome! I accidentally broke my John Lennon candle a few years ago. I was heartbroken. That is so cool that you guys have lived in your house for 30 years!
Thirty years ago we were living in a trailer!!
Awesome pics!!!
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