Monday, May 6, 2013

Day One Hundred Twenty Six 2013

We’ve had a very expensive week at our house. Last Monday, the starter died on our [late 20th century] car and had to be replaced. Saturday, Neil discovered our water heater was leaking [and had been for some time apparently], so that had to be replaced. To complete this trilogy of unfortunate events, we were forced to replace our TV [after lots of denial, as in ‘maybe it’s the cable’]. Folklorists say the concept that three bad things happen together is an ancient superstition that remains a strong modern belief and is based on the psychological need to believe that a bad cycle will end. I’m not a superstitious person, but right now I’m feeling that psychological need to believe. I'd say wish us luck, but that would be superstitious.


Kelly said...

Kerry's old tv died?

Kay R. said...

Not sure what happened to it ~ the reception got really bad and it smelled like something was melting ~ when we installed the new TV, we found that the cable connection had melted. Scary. But that's not what smelled bad. It was the TV.

Ann S. said...

Looks like bad things do happen in threes. Did you get your car up and running? I bet Neil had fun installing that water heater. What kind of tv did you guys get?

Kay R. said...

The car is fixed [for now], the water heater took about seven hours to install [no fun for Neil], and the TV is a Vizio, which I've never heard of, but we had to opt for one that fit our cabinet, and this one did. So far we like it OK. It has a bigger screen which is nice.

Jane said...

Well, look on the bright side - you have a new tv & water heater and your car is fixed! Happy days ahead! :)

Kay R. said...

Jane, that is the bright side :) So I could say that good things also come in threes ~ very expensive threes in this case.