Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day One Hundred Eighty Seven 2013

At Wal-Mart today, grandson Knox cried big tears when we had to take his Elmo bibs, Elmo plate, and Elmo fork and spoon away from him long enough to run them through the check out scanner. You would have thought we were chopping off his arms and legs. No bagging these items. He got them back and carried them to the car and held them all the way home. Some things are sacred. You just don’t take away a man’s Elmo stuff.


Jane said...

How traumatic for him! (and you guys!) :) Has he let go of them yet?

Kelly said...

He wanted to take his spoon and fork to bed but I convinced him not to. Thankfully he didn't throw a fit. I think he was too tired to protest :)

Jane said...

That's hilarious! :)

Ann S. said...

Now that's an Elmo fan :0) Priceless!