My mom Hamp Mabry, niece Sarah Foy, great niece Ashley Mabry, sister Ann Sissom, great nephew Ethan Mabry and niece Julia Foy pig out on grilled hot dogs, potato chips and drinks.

Brother in law Don Foy, hubby Neil, sister Jane Foy and nephew Chris Mabry down some dogs and chew some fat to help raise money for Alzheimer's research.

A 25 cent ticket will get you a painted face, or a shot at the corn hole board, or a spot on the cake walk. Sarah and Julia did it all and brought home some goodies.

Real men (Chris) wear painted lady bugs on their bearded faces--for a good cause. And just cause it's fun.

"Nowhere Man" from 'Yellow Submarine'! (It's really Julia...sshh...don't tell).

And then things really get crazy when Mom gets in on the act. She's a party animal, she is.

The cake walk haul--assorted muffins won by Ashely, Ethan, Julia, and Sarah. Can you say "Breakfast!" ?
We all had a blast at Family Fun Night. We made a lot of noise, took a lot of pictures, enjoyed each other's company, and as usual, closed down the place. I don't know how much money the fund raiser brought in, but every little bit can make a difference in Alzheimer's research and we hope someday a prevention and a cure.