At the Donut Hole for breakfast [I did not buy a donut~I haven’t even had one Krispy Kreme since we’ve been here]
Kelly and Coffee
This is a good idea
Neil’s great big breakfast
Knox's great big pancake
Beautiful day on the beach~waves were fierce
Knox having fun by the sea
He has more fun when mommy plays with him
Knox and his daddy chasing sandpipers
Crash boom splat
Happy Feet~Bird Edition
Good sleeping weather
We enjoyed the shrimp so much last night that we cooked it again tonight for supper.
The leftover chili made for a yummy rerun.
Dragonfly on the screen~don’t know what he wanted but he wouldn’t go away.
Pale but pretty sunset ~ Life is good at the beach even if you can't remember what day it is [especially if you can't remember what day it is ~ Neil kept asking]. Happy October, everyone! My favorite month of the year.