Grand daughter Shelby snacking on a Gummi Worm after school today. She struggled to my house with her loaded backpack (on the couch). Said her shoulders hurt. We put the backpack on the scales. It weighed 11 pounds. That's crazy.

I was craving something chocolate and the only thing in the kitchen was a bottle of chocolate milk. It was cold and pretty tasty and kind of...thick. Then, glutton for punishment that I am, I ate a couple of Gummi Worms. After a sudden "sick" moment later, I checked the expiration date on the chocolate milk. It died two weeks ago. Ack!

Pushing those glasses up on her nose again. She gets new ones soon. She says they're 'awesome'.

Daughter Kelly came in time for supper. Her fave spot is Ocha Deli beside TTU. Hey, look, it's open! Yum!

Afternoon shadows stretched along West Side where we headed to Cream City (more gluttony!).

West Side around the depot has developed into a cool place over the past few years. Lots of artsy shops and restaurants.

I love the name of this shop that sells tie dyed clothing and bags and such. I'm going to have to browse in here sometime.

All sorts of tasty frozen treats to be had at Cream City.