Showing posts with label caterpillar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caterpillar. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day Ninety One 2012

Daughters and grandkids spent Friday night with Neil and me. We stayed up late and woke up late and enjoyed Neil’s homemade blueberry waffles for breakfast. It was an awesome spring day so we headed outside where grand daughter Shelby communed with neighbor kitty Lily.
We dusted off the jug of bubble soap and Shelby blew some bubble art.
Temporary bubble art, big as your head!
Grandson Elijah made friends with a caterpillar and named him ‘Jeff’.
‘Jeff’ was a pretty fast crawler. Elijah put him in a paper cup with some grassy weeds to climb on.
Grandson Knox was diggin’ the great outdoors, too, but didn’t get into the creepy crawly action. He’s a little wiggle worm in his own right.
Saturday (and everyday) Peeps! Daughters Kelly and Holly and grandkids Elijah, Shelby, and Knox, who found more interesting things to look at than my camera.
Bubble art with purple lilacs. Our lilac bush has lots of blooms this year.
Also pretty in purple, a gorgeous iris, which is the Tennessee state flower. The end of winter and start of spring has been so hot that only a couple of the iris plants bloomed. Made me sad. Love these.
Speaking of creepy crawlies…Neil was weeding around our house and almost put his hand on this snake. We think it was a copperhead which is poisonous. It was poised to strike, sticking its forked tongue out at us. I got close as I could to take this picture. (You can click on the picture to enlarge it if you like). Elijah said, “I hate snakes!” Shelby said, “Off with its head!” Neil obliged with his hoe. Gave all of us the willies!

Grandson Knox in a rare on-the-belly pose. Hard to believe he’ll be 4 months old on Monday. Good times, great memories! Happy Saturday, everyone!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Day One Hundred Twenty

'Bud' The Caterpillar

Grand daughter Shelby found this caterpillar on the school playground today. She sneaked him into her classroom and hid him in her backpack--the side pocket that is mesh, so the caterpillar could breathe. She fished him out when she got to my house--said it was a girl because a classmate in the know said it was. She named her 'Bud' and made her a bed of leaves inside the bug box we keep handy for such situations. I'm telling you, kids don't require toys to have fun. She enjoyed petting her and talking to her and making sure she had everything she needed to be comfortable. Then she wanted to go inside and read a book. Cool.

Meet 'Bud'--a most cherished caterpillar if ever there was one. 'Bud' says, "Thank God it's Friday!"
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.