Tuesday at the beach. Once again, God blessed us with perfect weather and the clearest and calmest of seas. The water was so placid today that even grandson Elijah had the best time swimming around like a little merman. Grand daughter Shelby and son in law Jerry enjoyed snorkeling in that clear water. It was simply a great day to spend at the beach. We hit the Mellow Mushroom for a delicious pizza supper. After that, Elijah and Shelby climbed into giant hamster-type balls and rolled around in a pool of water. It is hilarious watching these little kids trying to stand up and run inside these huge balls on water. They had a great time. Back at the beach, hubby Neil and sons in law Jerry and Kerry did a little fishing in the Gulf but didn't catch anything. They plan to try again tomorrow. And they're looking into some deep sea fishing later this week. By the end of our days here, we are all pleasantly exhausted. Good times. Hope you can watch the short video posted here.