Hubby Neil has been working, off and on over the past several months, installing old-fashioned tin (actually aluminum) ceiling tiles in our living room. Today he placed the final tile. I told him he should sign it, so he did—our names, the date, and a smiley face for good measure.

The last one goes in place. Hooray! Now he has to install the cornice all the way around. Stay tuned.

This afternoon, grandson Elijah wanted to jump in the leaves. So Grandpa handed him a rake, and Elijah got to work, raking a pile of leaves to jump in.

His mom got in on the action, too, to make the work go faster.

Elijah takes a leap! All that hard work paid off in big time fun.

Grand daughter Shelby jumps in with a hot pink flourish. Jumping in a pile of November leaves is a rite of passage for any child who is blessed to have a pile of leaves. Today couldn’t have been a more perfect day for it.