Showing posts with label worm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worm. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day Two Hundred Fifty Eight

Randomness ...

This creepy crawly worm with a weird flat head was trying to slither its way through my front door today. That didn't sound like a good idea to me. I tried to pick him up with a stick, but he wasn't slimy slick. He was sticky. So I blocked his path with the stick and re directed him toward the front porch. He eventually got the idea and slithered off elsewhere.

Elijah wanted to blow bubbles this afternoon. So we did. Major fun, as usual.

Raindrops caught in a spider's web looked cooler in person than in my picture.

We did have some sunshine today, but I didn't mind the mostly rainy day. We needed it.

After being sequestered in the bathroom all night and all day, Eddie Kitty is feeling much better and was ready to play ball again this evening. We still have to keep him inside for a few days "to let the male hormones get out of his system"--so says the Surgical Aftercare Procedure sheet the doc gave us. "Otherwise, he may get in a fight and infect the surgical site before healing and be very bad for him." Wouldn't want that to happen. Buddy Cat has already hissed at Eddie Kitty, so we have to make sure Eddie is closed off in the bathroom when Buddy is in the house. Sometimes Buddy doesn't play well with others. I hope by the end of the week, things will be back to normal. Whatever that is.