Friday, June 11, 2010

Day One Hundred Sixty Two 2010

I Want Inside

Buddy Cat did want to come inside, but I kept him waiting while I took his picture. He yawned, which, in cat language, means I want in but I don't care that you're making me wait while you take my picture, you boring human, you.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day One Hundred Fifty Eight 2010

You Never Know Who's Watching

This lizard in a light fixture at Cane Creek Recreation Center here in Cookeville, Tennessee, gave some of our cardio-sculpt class a scare this afternoon. The sight of something like this can be a bit stressful, especially at the end of a workout when you're trying to relax and cool down. And especially if you happen to be laying right under it. Thank goodness he didn't slither through a vent and fall on somebody.