Friday, January 6, 2012

Day Six 2012

This 60-plus degree weather couldn't be more welcome the first week in January (or on any winter day for that matter). The sun is out. The sky is blue. (I think that's a line from a Beatles song) It felt like spring time. The older I get, the more I appreciate mild winter weather. Happy TGIF, everyone!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Five 2012

Sharing some yummy Mae Pearl's Frozen Yogurt with my grandpeeps, Elijah and Shelby, this afternoon was the highlight of my day. That, and finally getting my new car radio/CD player installed. I've missed listening to talk radio.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day Four 2012

First day back in school today after Christmas break and an unexpected 'snow day' yesterday. The grandpeeps had a good day and were glad to see their friends. Wish I could get back into the groove that easily.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day Three 2012

Close by the jolly fire I sit
To warm my frozen bones a bit
~Robert Louis Stevenson, Winter Time

Santa Claus brought me a new camera for Christmas--a Canon PowerShot SX230 HS, something small that I can carry around with me in a pocket or a purse. Among other neat things, it has a setting where you can choose one color to accent and the rest of the picture is black and white. It's new to me, so I've been experimenting with it and took this picture of the fire in my wood stove on this freezing winter's day, accenting the red/orange in the flames. I think it made for an interesting picture. And I think I'm going to have some fun with this little camera.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day Two 2012

Grandpeep Knox came to visit this evening. He is one month old today and quite content to sleep on his grandpa's shoulder.